By Category
Bogons (4)
Books (3)
Cluons (8)
- Greco-Roman Architecture (part 1/n)
- E's not Dead, E's Scalafying?
- The Spider-Man™ Principle
- "Refractoring"
- Your Plastic Pals Who're Fun to Be With
- Bloody Linguists
- Stannic Haberdashery
- Which is more dangerous, a gun or a swimming pool?
Econs (1)
Fortress (1)
Humour (16)
- Overheard re: Project Coin
- Emergent Dialect Watch: "Reap the Percussions"
- Analogy
- Troll me Harder!
- Satire is Redundant
- Mice Pace
- Catbert, You Just Authored an RSS Reader!
- Reductio Ad Absurdum
- Iraq 'em up, you knock 'em down
- What's the opposite of a pointy-haired boss?
- Stannic Haberdashery
- Klingons are to the US as Romulans are to... No, that's not right.
- Dude, the wallpaper's moving!
- The Passive Voice Will Be Used Until All Are Made Sorry
- "West Wing" and "Crazy Go Nuts University"
Internet (5)
- The Tube(s)
- Troll me Harder!
- Mice Pace
- Klingons are to the US as Romulans are to... No, that's not right.
Java (6)
- What's in a Name?
- Overheard re: Project Coin
- Project Wallet (was: Why Bother? Just Use Scala!)
- Life's Hard When You're A Noob
- Why Bother? Just Use Scala! (continued...)
- Why Bother? Just Use Scala!
Local (3)
Meta (3)
Scala (10)
- E's not Dead, E's Scalafying?
- Flawless WBJUS Victory
- This Would Be Just A Library In Scala (Episode II)
- This Would Be Just a Library in Scala
- The Spider-Man™ Principle
- Project Wallet (was: Why Bother? Just Use Scala!)
- Life's Hard When You're A Noob
- Why Bother? Just Use Scala! (continued...)
- Why Bother? Just Use Scala!
- Overheard on Fortress-Language
Science (3)
- Francis Crick
- ...but can you chew gum and walk at the same time?
- Take the Red Pill (Unless You're Italian)
SOA (2)
Society (6)
- Emergent Dialect Watch: "Reap the Percussions"
- The Tube(s)
- Your Plastic Pals Who're Fun to Be With
- Bloody Linguists
- Iraq 'em up, you knock 'em down
- "Twee" is Autological.
Technology (6)
- Greco-Roman Architecture (part 1/n)
- "Refractoring"
- Satire is Redundant
- Catbert, You Just Authored an RSS Reader!
- ...but can you chew gum and walk at the same time?
- New, Improved!
Work (3)